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August Report 2017





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Hi guys! Sorry it feels like we have not been updating much. Things have still been coming along great. It was a bit of a weird work schedule

Developmemt So Far

So much of what we have been working on, as per usual, is putting the pieces together. We have all the major systems in but they are maybe like 50-90% functioning, and so we have been trying to get them together. Some things Jayden worked on were things like

- Animal AI
- Buying Animals
- Setting up NPC AI
- Working out some bugs with farming

It's a lot of little things. We've also been working on populating the game with new furniture, more character customization options for the hair etc.

The big news is that the game is at least in a stable enough state where we have opened up private testing to a handful of people from our Kickstarter who are willing to go through the pains of play testing. This is a good milestone towards eventually having a game we can eventually have all our Kickstarter backers play. We still have a lot of things to polish and fix, but we're working on it. 


 What we're working on next.

We still need to populate the cookbook, add more furniture, texture the hair, work on implementing trees and of course more testing and fixing. Right now there isn't much structure as to what needs to be worked on. It's more of attending to different systems as we need to. Anything new we are adding in, is very minor. Fingers crossed we have a productive September. Thanks so much again for your support!

If you wish to chat with directly join our discord server. You can also access our developer updates with screenshots and behind the scenes information. 



Thanks again for your support guys

Illustration by Dark-Oshigan & Piotrek

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