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September Report 2015


 pumpkinlowresIllustration by Lenore

So this month was also quite abysmal as well for game development, and so this is the last and final month I have to bring you a lackluster report about bugs, and slow process. We made a big change we're going to reveal next month to take care of that. Also we've been gathering a couple new team members. Most of last month was spent making preparations for these changes. If you are a Kickstarter backer you can read about it on our Kickstarter only forum threads. Nothing to show yet we should have something proper to show in November


New Things Going On

- I'm making a dedicated effort to boost activity on our forums again. So we'll be posting often on there

- Updates will no longer be on Kickstarter, but on our forums


- We'll be trying to keep up with updates on: Out website, tumblr, indiedb, twitter, steam, face and deviantart in November

- Kickstarter rewards will resume being sent out in October my goal is to have most of them done before the end of the year. 



New Team members

Jayden: Lead Programmer
Valerie: Modeler
Kathleen: Texture artist 


Thanks again for your support guys



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