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January Report 2016


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 So it's been a long journey! We finally reached a mini milestone in development where 85% of the major systems promised for Beta is in the game. Obviously the game is needs a lot more work to bring it together, however our efforts moving forward is polishing and testing out systems we already have in place. As well as working on assets to make the world feel more alive which will be a steady ongoing process.




One of the last key systems to implement in the game was house customization. We worked on the ability to build, upgrade, place and paint a house. Jayden also fixed a bunch of bugs and glitches in the game we discovered on our first test play of the packaged game.




There is much work to be done to develop the game world. Most of the buildings in town have furniture in them. I hesitate to call them complete as it's an ongoing process to always keep polishing up the inside of the buildings to make them more full. 

Moving Forward

 Well we're not going to have much to show in our development videos moving forward. Much of our future development is going to center around bug fixes, and back-end data entries for the items and other things working behind the scenes to make the game come alive. We are planning to launch a steam greenlight campaign this month while it's still around so stay tune for that as we'll need as much support as we can to make it. 



We have a lot of work to do, but we definitely see a 2017 Beta release somewhere around summer. Thanks again guys for your support. 


Thanks again for your support guys

Illustration by Dark-Oshigan & Piotrek

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