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February Report 2016


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Hey guys sorry for the late news update this month. We were working on a lot of things to prepare for our Steam Greenlight campaign which is the big news of the month. We have also launched a fanart contest going on until April 30th In terms of development things have been going very well. We have started play testing with some of our friends to help us find bugs. We're at the point in development where we don't have anymore major systems to implement so it's all polish and connecting all the systems together so players can use them properly.



We're Currently Working On


We're currently working on:

1. Assigning prices for all the items

2. Reworking the game menu

3. Adding color choices for character creation

4. Adding optimization options in the esc menu

5. More environment work by modelling trees, and bushes etc.

6. Working on character dialogue

7. Adding a variety of different eyebrows in character customization

8. Working out different character's schedules

and many more things including debugging. 


Thank you so much for your continued support! I hope things go well for March. 


Thanks again for your support guys

Illustration by Dark-Oshigan & Piotrek

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September 2018 Report

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August 2018 Report

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