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pumpkin online contest entry by shibaki kun-d7mcl55Kickstarter news

Postcards have been ordered and are expected to arrive at the end of the month. We ordered a total of 1700 postcards :D So exciting. Next we will be doing button designs, ordering those and then mailers. By Christmas I would like a few people to start getting those. Now to figure out where the hell in the house to put it.

So all good news so far :)  stay tune for more updates and thanks for your support.

Art by Shibaki-kun

Pumpkin News

oct report illus

September 2018 Report

October 01, 2018 News 23 Hits
September Report 2018 Summary This report is pretty late because there isn't much to report on. Just still working on the game, and doing more bug fixes and testing. Not much else to say. If you want to follow my dev blog on Discord that's where I give little…
news march

August 2018 Report

August 30, 2018 News 227 Hits
August Report 2018 Summary Hey guys. Development on the game is still going well, and once again there is not much to report on. Things have been worked on at an even clip. As per usual, the priorities have been bug fixes and polishing up the game itself. We…