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October Report 2016


oct news Watch Latest Demo Video Here

We got more work done last month


We're doing really good on progress thus far. The holidays are coming up so we hope to do one big push before then, but last month was a good month for development.



Things worked on


We worked on the system for gathering lumber and ore in the world. The player can now cut a tree down and smash rocks to get ore. We also have a smelter and a sawmill working where one can process those materials into their final form for crafting.

We also showed off buying property from the mayor. As shown in the demo video the first property is free with a voucher and then the player can build on said plot of land they just bought. 


We also worked on getting rain in the game, so the beginning of getting the weather in and working.


The furniture shops have already started being populated with furniture. The demo video shows the basics but in coming months it will be filled with many more things.  


What we're working on next


We're gearing up for a possible 2017 release however there is much work to do. Next month we have these things lined up.

- Restaurant and Cafe shops set up

- Buying Animals and having them on the farm. 

- Editing the dialogue window (It's been odd the way we have it now)

- More NPCs in game

- NPCs walking around town.

and possibly some more



Thanks again for your support!



Thanks again for your support guys

Illustration by Azilim & Piotrek

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