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 May Report 2015



Illustration by Vilatile

May has come and gone and it was a rough month.
My personal computer laptop decided to die on me and I had to emergency build a desktop computer ASAP. it was a miracle I was even trying to a design a game on that old personal laptop. Still that was half of a month with no productivity on my end and I have a hand in most things. However, everyone else have been working on things.


Game Design


Most of Game Design has been taken care of. We've been discussing how we want to organize the neighborhoods. We'll bring you more details on that once we flesh that out. If you haven't heard instead of having a private farm floating in a void which you access from a portal. We're going to set up neighborhoods so it'll feel like you are actually living around other players. Moving forward we'll be focusing on trying to get our systems running as well as environment building.


Asset creation


Still working on tweaking and editing the furniture we have. Next month we're going to see if we can start on asset creation for the map overworld.


Icon creation


We did get all of our tool icons done. Special thanks to Teagan for working on those for us.





Website updates

I was able to update some of the pages of our website, so check out the new things under media as well as a better written description under the gameplay and game overview. Also I started putting together nicely character 'cards' with the character picture and describtion, be sure to check those out. 



Map creation


One major thing we did complete is, we have our entire game map pieced together. It's over 300 areas that have stitched together seamlessly and to make a long story short, no loading screens. You can walk the entire game world with no loading screens. Nada. So now that we got our base world down, it's time to start working on building the landscape. Our first area we want to work on is Spoony Island. The custom village for our top backer. Stay tune for more information on that. 




Still chipping away at the music. It looks like we'll have it completely by the end of summer and we hope to deliver the soundtrack reward to our backers. We also plan to put it up for sale so hopefully we can raise a bit of extra funds for our lovely musician Clark. Keep an eye out for that.


Surprisingly with the hiccups we did manage to get through mosr of our goals we set last month. The only thing we couldn't get through is facegen because of my computer troubles. Hopefully June will be the month. 


Goals for next month


- Start on Facegen

- Start Building Spoony Island

- Work on more character clothes models

- Herb icons done

- Neighborhoods planned out

- Some more UI put together


Apologizing again for the lack productivity this month. We'll keep pushing forward again next month.


Thanks again everyone for your support.


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