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July Report 2016



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Some hiccups but still moving along!

Hey guys, so last month we did as much as we could, but production slowed a bit as I had a family emergency that lasted nearly 2 weeks and currently Jayden our programmer is out with his family on vacation for a bit. We've been focusing more on texturing and debugging some things with the character customization so nothing too flashy to show off.

Environment work

We've been working on texturing the towns. The first town we are working on is Wahoo Beach. We've gotten through almost half of the buildings. We're going for a very light colored wood aesthetic. We've also been working on the lighting which will take some work to get the game to look more like what we want. There has been some work with the sky box as well to give the world more bright vivid colors. Hopefully more work will be done on it this month. 



Character dialogue

We've designed almost all of the characters we plan to have in the game for the gold release however, as our time keeps ticking we've decided to switch our focus to writing the dialogue. So we've begun working on that.

So no new systems this time around as we've been focusing on organizing assets and building the NPCs. Next month also looks like some slower development, but hopefully if we're lucky we can see Wahoo Beach almost completely textured and a few more NPCs properly put together and are engine ready. 



What we have lined up to work on for next month!
-  Texturing for Wahoo Beach
- Work on Shading and Lighting
- Build More NPCs
- NPC Dialogue
- Wahoo Beach Music




Thanks again for your support guys

Illustration by Azilim & Piotrek

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